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Remote learning
In the event of your child needing to work from home, it is important that they can continue their studies at home. This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to students and parents/carers about what to expect from remote learning if local restrictions require entire cohorts to remain at home.
This guide will also future-proof against school closures that could happen at any time due to circumstances such as epidemic, extreme weather, power-loss etc. It also covers the ongoing education of students who cannot be in school when the school remains fully open, but are able to continue with their education.
Students have been provided with 100% books and they have a login to access the Sparx Maths website (https://sparxmaths.com/), these should be used to complete the learning detailed on Microsoft Teams. They should use their timetable to help with structuring their day.
Each year group has a Team on Microsoft Teams where they can access the 100% books electronically if they do not have them at home.
Tuesday 7th January 2025 - Remote learning for each year group - This has been posted on each of the year groups Teams
Year 7
Use your Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 100% books, BBC Bitesize, Sparx Maths to revise what you have learnt so far in cycle 1 and cycle 2 to prepare for the cycle 2 assessments. The assessments will take place in all subjects from week beginning 20th January, your class teachers will tell you the exact dates of the assessments in the coming week.
Art - Read through the information about Zaha Hadid, page 147 of the cycle 2 100% book. Using a full sketchbook page and a mixture of pens and pencils create a design for a building inspired by her work.
Music – read the information on tones and semitones on page 163 of the cycle 2 100% book, use LCWC to recall what you have learnt.
Drama - read the information on page 168/69 of the cycle 2 100% book, do two pages of LCWC to recall what you have learnt.
English – Please watch the following lessons on Oak Academy
- https://www.thenational.academy/pupils/programmes/english-secondary-year-7/units/step-into-the-unknown-fiction-reading-and-creative-writing/lessons/writing-in-complete-sentences/overview
- https://www.thenational.academy/pupils/programmes/english-secondary-year-7/units/step-into-the-unknown-fiction-reading-and-creative-writing/lessons/learning-to-respond-to-an-unseen-extract/overview
Geography - Use your Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 100% books to revise continents and oceans, compass points and lines of latitude, UK countries and capital cities, location of tropical rainforests, and layers of tropical rainforests. These will be assessed in your Cycle 2 assessment.
History - LCWC for 100% book page 131 on 'How powerful were medieval monarchs?' Answer the question 'How powerful were medieval monarchs?' writing one paragraph about how they were powerful and one paragraph about they were not completely powerful.
Spanish – Vocab practice - https://quizlet.com/gb/318037985/viva-1-module-2-flash-cards/
RE - Create revision notes on Christian beliefs about creation, the story of the Fall and the miracles of Jesus using your 100% book.
Links to these resources are available through the year 7 team on MS Teams.
Year 8
Use your Cycle 1 100% book, BBC Bitesize, Sparx Maths to work on the gaps identified from the cycle 1 assessments. Use the cycle 2 100% to do some pre-reading of the topics you are covering in cycle 2.
Art - Read through the information about Rachel Maclean, page 132 of the cycle 2 100% book. Complete the Rachel Maclean analysis questions on page 139 in your sketchbook. Use full sentences and copy details of her work around the edges of the page.
Music - read the information on origins of folk music on page 181 of the cycle 2 100% book, use LCWC to recall what you have learnt. You will be learning about 'The Cave' by Mumford and Sons. Here's a link for you to familiarise yourself with https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=fNy8llTLvuA
Drama - read the information on page 163/64 of the cycle 2 100% book, do two pages of LCWC to recall what you have learnt.
Science - Using your Year 7 100% books and Year 8 Cycle 1 and 2 100% books review topics identified from the cycle 1 assessment. BBC bitesize, Seneca learning, grade gorilla, animated science are good websites to use to support your revision. Topics to focus on include Photosynthesis and Respiration, Acids and Alkalis, Forces, Electricity and Magnetism.
English – Please watch the lesson https://www.thenational.academy/pupils/programmes/english-secondary-year-8/units/a-history-of-language/lessons/reading-an-anglo-saxon-text/overview
Geography - Use your 100% books to revise continents and oceans, compass points and lines of latitude.
History - LCWC for 100% book page 109-110 on 'Why did women win the right to vote in 1918?' Answer the question 'Why did the Suffragettes gain so much attention?' writing two paragraphs with two main reasons.
Spanish – Vocab practice https://quizlet.com/gb/318037985/viva-1-module-2-flash-cards/
RE - Create revision notes on Christian beliefs about creation, the story of the Fall and the miracles of Jesus using your 100% book.
Links to all resources are available through the year 8 team on MS Teams.
Year 9
Use your 100% books, BBC Bitesize, Seneca learning, Sparx Maths to revise what you have learnt so far in cycle 1 and cycle 2 to prepare for the cycle 2 assessments. The assessments will take place in all subjects from week beginning 20th January, your class teachers will tell you the exact dates of the assessments in the coming week.
English – Please watch the lesson https://www.thenational.academy/pupils/programmes/english-secondary-year-9/units/malevolent-characters-descriptive-and-narrative-writing/lessons/the-difference-between-description-and-narration-in-writing/overview
Science - Use your 100% book, BBC Bitesize, Seneca learning, Cognito and the Malmesbury Education YouTube channel to review and revise the required practical’s you have covered so far in year 9 to prepare for the cycle 2 assessments. These required practical’s will make up a large part of the science cycle 2 assessment. Required practicals to review include: Microscopy, Osmosis, Food Tests, Enzymes, Specific Heat Capacity.
Geography - Create a case study fact file about the extreme weather we are currently experiencing. You must include the type of extreme weather it is, the causes, the impacts (social, economic and environmental), and the Reponses (immediate and long-term).
History – page 93 of History 100% book - Living under Nazi rule checklist - complete check for the first column, then LCWC on areas that are not green/smiley face.
Spanish – Vocab practice https://quizlet.com/gb/582006975/viva-gcse-module-1-desconectate-flash-cards/
Links to all resources are available through the year 9 team on MS Teams.
Year 10
Use your subject 100% books, Seneca learning, BBC Bitesize, Sparx Maths to work on the gaps identified from the cycle 1 assessments. Also use the 100% books to do some pre-reading of future topics.
BTEC IT - use https://www.wiseowl.co.uk/excel/ to work on your spreadsheet skills.
Science - Use your 100% book, BBC Bitesize, Seneca learning, Cognito and the Malmesbury Education YouTube channel to revise the required practical’s for the science mock exams starting next Friday (17 Jan 2025). You have been provided with a checklist before the holidays, these assessments will be full past exam papers. Required practical’s to review include: Microscopy, Osmosis, Food Tests, Enzymes, Specific Heat Capacity, Photosynthesis, Energy Changes.
English - Language paper 1 unseen fiction text lesson: https://www.thenational.academy/pupils/programmes/english-secondary-year-10-aqa/units/fiction-read-around-the-world/lessons/fiction-reading-skills/overview
Geography - Create a mind map using your 100% book on our case study of The Amazon Rainforest. Must include: the reasons for deforestation, the local impacts of deforestation, the global impacts of deforestation and how the tropical rainforest can be sustainably managed. Then answer the following exam question: ʻSome economic activities in tropical rainforests have major environmental impacts.' Do you agree? (9 marks). Hint: Think shifting cultivation, palm oil plantations, hydro-electric dam and ecotourism.
History – page 93 of History 100% book - Living under Nazi rule checklist - complete check for the first column, then LCWC on areas that are not green/smiley face (preparation for Cycle 3 assessment)
Spanish – Vocab practice https://quizlet.com/gb/582006975/viva-gcse-module-1-desconectate-flash-cards/
RE - Create revision notes on the following topics using your booklets and 100% book
- Muslim beliefs about the six articles of faith
- Muslim beliefs about the roots of religion
Links to these resources are available through the year 10 team on MS Teams.
Year 11
Use your 100% books, Dixons revision website, BBC Bitesize, Seneca learning, Sparx Maths to revise for your final mock exams at the beginning of term 4, working specifically on any gaps identified from the cycle 1 mock exams. The timetable for the mock exams will be issued in the next couple of weeks.
English - Planning and writing an effective article (Paper 2 Question 5).
If students don't have internet access today they need to focus on the plot and quote recall for Macbeth using 100% books and revision notes as this is the next text we will revise in lesson.
Science - Use your 100% book, BBC Bitesize, Seneca learning, Cognito and the Malmesbury Education YouTube channel to revise the required practical’s for the paper 2 mock exams. You have been provided with a checklist before the holidays and a revision schedule. The revision topics for the holidays were Forces from Physics paper 2, Inheritance from Biology paper 2 and for this week the topic is Organic Chemistry from Chemistry paper 2.
BTEC IT - please revise for your exam which is next Tuesday 14 Jan. See the links in the IT team including the mock exam walk through on YouTube.
Sport Studies - to prepare for the mock exams revise using LCWC pages 21-25 of the 100% book and then complete quizzes 1, 2 & 3 on page 26 and then self-assess the answers.
Health and Social care - please see the H&SC team for the work set by Mr Yale.
Art - see the information posted on the year 11 team by Miss Akesson yesterday. Teachers are available via email to discuss topics and advise.
Computer Science – please see the assignment set on the Computer Science team.
Geography - Create two more mind maps (in addition to the 2 homework mind maps), on another Paper 1 case study and another Paper 2 case study of your choice.
Exam questions to have a go at:
- 'Hard engineering is better than soft engineering at protecting the coast' Do you agree with this statement? (6 marks).
- 'Using a river management study you have studied, explain how it helped to reduce river flooding. (6 marks). Hint: River Calder, slow the flow.
History – page 67 of the History 100% book - Making of America checklist - complete check for the first column, then LCWC on areas that are not green/smiley face (preparation for Cycle 2 mock). Then write a two-paragraph answer to the 10-mark question: 'Why did the transcontinental railroad transform the Great Plains in the 1860s and 1870s?'
Spanish – Vocab practice https://quizlet.com/gb/569172077/viva-gcse-module-7-flash-cards/
RE - Create a PEEHEE plan for the following question and answer it in exercise books. 'religious believers should never go to war.' (12 marks)
Links to all resources are available through the year 11 team on MS Teams.